The Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, IT and Mass Media in Russia lifted its two-year Telegram ban this week. After years of efforts which were unsuccessful to ban the network in Russia, local authorities have finally decided to cancel this ban on the major encrypted messenger in the country.
In fact, the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, IT and Mass Media (known as Roskomnadzor) in Russia lifted the two-year long ban that it had on the Telegram messenger.
An official statement in the cryptonews backs this up, showing how Roskomnadzor said that the authority has removed requirements restricting the access to the Telegram messenger in agreement with the Prosecutor General of Russia.
The government agency announced the news and outlined that the regulator commends Telegram CEO Pavel Durov and his willingness to confront terrorism and extremism. This announcement is probably coming in response to a recent statement which Durov made, claiming that the Telegram team has been actively combating terrorism and extremism on the messenger, all while ensuring user privacy.
A post on June 4 unveils that the Telegram’s CEO noted that the company is preventing many statements which are encouraging violence every month. Pavel Durov wrote:
“Each month, Telegram team is now preventing tens of thousands of attempts to distribute public incitement to violence and terror. […] Telegram has developed a system preventing global terrorist acts while ensuring privacy of correspondence in line with Telegram’s privacy policy.”
Coming after a series of unsuccessful efforts, Telegram is no longer an issue to the Russian government. It appears that they decided to cancel this ban and allow the encrypted messenger app in the country.
Obviously, this means more than one could tell for Telegram, as the messenger will find tapping into the Russian market as a huge opportunity for growth and promotion. However, aside from the decision to lift the ban, we can also see that the authorities in Russia are seeing the benefit of Telegram as a communication platform and realizing its true potential.
Meanwhile, the Bitcoin news from the market today show a slight decline in the prices of the top 10 assets, and there are no exceptions.
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