New lawsuit was launched today by the self-proclaimed Satoshi Nakamoto-Craig Wright towards Roger Ver after he called him a fraud. As we can read in today’s altcoin news, the legal campaign continues with heavy turbulence in the UK court dealings.
The goal of the lawsuit is to still prove that he has a stellar reputation. Craig Wright launched the new lawsuit after Ver called him a fraud repeatedly after he was slapped with a 100,000-pound suit. Britain’s high court ruled today that the case against Ver cannot take place there because the court is not satisfied that is the appropriate venue:
“The threshold is clear: the Court must be satisfied that England and Wales is clearly the most appropriate jurisdiction in which to bring a libel claim where there has been multi-jurisdiction publication. It is no longer sufficient to demonstrate that England and Wales is an appropriate jurisdiction. A claimant could fail to surmount the evidential hurdle in s.9(2) even if the Court is unable to identify, from the other candidate jurisdictions, an alternative that is the most appropriate.”
The judge Matthew Nicklin pointed out that the English law does not provide clear directions on how to determine the ‘’appropriateness’’ of his venue for the libel suit. Nicklin also concluded that the most important factor in a liber or defamation suit and where it is taking place should be the location of the accused persons or publications. Ver does not reside in England and also YouTube has a headquarter in the United States. It doesn’t matter where the defamation took place, the judge still has to assess whether there was major damage done to Wright’s reputation in his jurisdiction.
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Nicklin stated that it is impossible to lay down hard rules but assured that the matter of jurisdiction will be different in every case.
Since Wright failed to supply the court with decent evidence of damage done in England and Whales, Nicklin decided not to let the case go forward:
“In consequence, the Court has no jurisdiction to hear and determine the action. The action will be struck out. ”
As noted in the latest cryptocurrency news, Wright’s other cases are also deteriorating. One lawsuit against him brought by the estate of Dave Kleiman ended up in frustration of the Florida judge since Wright failed to comply with the rules of the court
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