NEM Overview
NEM is a cryptocurrency project with a token named XEM. Below, you can see the live price of NEM with other useful market data including the NEM market capitalization, the trading volume, the daily, weekly and monthly changes, the total supply, the highest and lowest prices and other details.
By default, we are showing the NEM price in USD but you can also switch the base currency to Euro, British Pounds, Japanese yen, Korean won and Russian roubles.
NEM Value
Discover the NEM Value from the top cryptocurrency exchanges such as Bitfinex, Binance, HitBTC, OKEx, Kraken and others. You can select the checkbox and compare prices between exchanges on the charts. Here, you are greeted with various views including Candlestick, OHLC, Line charts and other details.
Use the buttons to switch between NEM charts. By default, we are presenting the information for the last week, but the users are able to choose anything from one week/month/year, three months of data, or any custom period. We also offer you the option of printing and downloading the NEM price charts, as well as downloading the data in XLS and CSV formats.
NEM Historical Price
The widget that is presented below contains the full history of the NEM (XEM) price. You can use it to customize the period of time and see the price history for the required time. The columns also let you see the date, price, volume and change.
Here, the date describes the day of the recorded price, the price shows the NEM Value as of that date, the volume column shows the trading volume of the coin for the current day while the change shows the percentage change in the price of the coin.
NEM’s Symbol Platform Launches After Years Of Development
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NEM’s Release Of Symbol Will Bring Out The Best Of The Community
NEM’s release of the Symbol enterprise-ready blockchain network is expected to bring the crypto community even closer as we are…
NEM Announced Symbol Opt-in Launch Date: Report
NEM announced the Symbol Opt-in launch date which is set for September 15th, 2020 so let’s find out more about…
NEM Leads An Expansion Into Enterprise-Focused Private Network
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