Monero Overview
The Monero XMR widget shows a live price of Monero along with other useful market data such as the XMR market capitalization, trading volume, daily, weekly as well as monthly changes, total supply, highest and lowest prices and other information from the market.
By default, we are displaying the Monero XMR price in US dollars but you can also switch the base currency to Euro, British Pounds, Japanese yen as well as Russian Roubles. You can see the opening price, last price, 24 hour volume and a lot of other data.
Monero Value
If you are interested in seeing the Monero Value from the top cryptocurrency exchanges including Binance, Bitfinex, Bitstamp, Coinbase, HitBTC, Kraken and OKEx (as well as others), you can select the checkbox and compare the prices between exchanges on the live charts.
There are various views available out there including Candlestick, OHLC, Line chart patterns and other options. You can switch between XMR charts using the buttons and see the Monero price on any given day, week, month or year by selecting a custom period. Additionally, you can print the Monero price data or export it in XLS or CSV (Excel) formats.
Monero Historical Price
The history of the Monero XMR price can be seen on the link below. You can actually customize the period of time to see the exact price history for the required time. There are many columns such as date, price, volume and change.
The date describes the day of the recorded price, while the price shows the XMR Value as of that date. The volume column indicates the trading volume of the coin for the current day and the change is actually related to the percentage change in the price of the coin.
The Advantages of Using Monero for Online Casino Transactions
The Monero currency was first released in April 2014 as a Bytecoin fork. The coin was developed on the principle…
Monero’s Falling Wedge Breakout Puts XMR Price For New Rally
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Monero Soars 22% In A Week Amid Hard Fork Announcement: Report
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Monero Planned A Hard Fork In July, XMR Surges On The News
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How our Monero Mining calculator works:
DC FORECASTS Monero Mining calculator converts fiat to Monero Mining in real time. So you can check the current rates, plan your investment, and make your purchase, all in one place.
The calculator may allow you to calculate exchanges of currencies. The rates displayed by the calculator represent market exchange rates, and are provided for estimation and information purposes and DO NOT include any conversion fees and/or any other charges applicable to a conversion and/or other transactions. The calculator is based on a third parties services and in no event shall The Company, its affiliates, directors or any of their respective, be liable for any calculation and/or for any lost profits or any special, incidental, indirect or consequential damages arising out if or in connection with the use of the calculator.
Please note: rate does not include Exchange fees