Wikipedia Co-founder Larry Sanger who is a veteran technologist criticized EOS for being centralized and threatened to fire the blockchain project. He stated that EOS is becoming a centralized ledger that is controlled by the Chinese authorities so today we read more about his stance on EOS in the altcoin news below.
Sanger even chose EOS to run his decentralized content distribution platform Everipedia, now claims that EOS is controlled by the Chinese entities and said that Everipedia could not function with a heavily centralized blockchain. Sanger said that the dapp would eventually quit using EOS and as we can read from the excerpts:
‘’We cannot continue to build dapps on EOS if the network is de facto centralized in the hands of the Chinese. I’ve been making noise internally at EP about this since I learned about it earlier this summer. Sorry, but it can’t go on much longer, as far as I’m concerned.’’
The statements appeared more than a year ago after the Wikipedia co-founder announced they would develop a truly censorship-proof system on built on the EOS blockchain. As Everipedia’s chief information officer, Sanger noted that EOS will make the process of approving articles, making edits and storing information more distributed but his latest comments outlined that the project did not assist his platform into becoming more authentic, decentralized version of Wikipedia. Despite becoming one of the most popular and widely used blockchains, EOS has a huge problem concerning its integrity. There are a few other people who own a huge part of the project’s tokens. This gives them a massive influence on the right to select block procedures which is a total of 20 entities that validate and add transaction records on the native blockchain. The structure resembles a corrupted democratic process according to Sanger where one individual can vote up to 100 times because he has up to 100 identity cards. This increases the probability of potential cooperation where the malicious actors can join together to seize the EOS funds or alter transaction records saved on the blockchain.
As explained in some of the best cryptocurrency news sites, the huge problem lies in the inability of which is the parent company of the cryptocurrency to solve the problem. This became even worse when Dan Larimar the CTO of the company confirmed that the decentralization is not their biggest priority.
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