In less than two days after going live, the EOS Mainnet has paused, according to Twitter reports and a post on Steemit by the top 21 EOS block producers. As of yesterday, June 16th, EOS has gone into standby where its nodes scramble “to identify and fix the issue”.
Currently, transactions appear to be frozen on the EOS Mainnet and the cause of the freeze is still unclear. The EOS Mainnet Status Update on Steemit, however, claims to be addressing the issue.
One of the EOS BP candidates, EOSUK, has recently reported that the EOS network monitor currently shows multiple BPs displayed as “red” which means that their application programming interfaces (APIs) are not responding. One of the possible reasons for the freeze is a DDoS attack, according to the Twitter account of EOS.
The top 21 Block Producers and Standby Nodes posted on Steemit, claiming to have formulated “a method to unpause the chain” roughly one hour after the issue was identified. They also wrote that normal functions should be available 3-6 hours from the time of publication of their report.
Currently, EOS is the highest-funded initial coin offering (ICO) ever with $4 billion funded before its launch. Its mission is to directly compete with Ethereum as a platform for decentralized applications (DApps) focusing on inter-blockchain communication.
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