The Blockchain development Block.One firm has just released 2.0 which the software responsible for the functioning of the EOS Blockchain. In our EOS news today, we read more about the update and what can it do for the platform.
In the released announcement on Twitter on January 10, Block.One claimed that the update makes the blockchain ‘’simpler, faster, and even more secure.’’ The official blog post explained that the new software includes a purpose-built WebAssembly engine where the EOS smart contracts are run. According to the official website, WASM is an instruction format that is designed for deployment on the web and servers. The new update is expected to improve the performance of the small contract execution given that it is now about 16 times faster than the engine used in the previous version.
This new update will also introduce WebAuthn support and according to the website, this support is a web authentication standard based around the public key cryptography and further down the explanation you can read about how EOS developers can use it:
“With this release of WebAuthn support for EOSIO, developers can begin testing transaction signing with WebAuthn in their EOSIO applications.”
However, there is no set date for adoption of the update as the Block.One firm also claimed that it will significantly improve the network code of the blockchain by simply adding multithreading support to it. This kind of support is the ability of a central processing unit to execute the multiple threads of execution at the same tie. The Multithredign support could improve the performance in block propagation, processing, and transaction along with a block and transaction packing and unpacking:
“By isolating these processes we have seen significant improvements in transaction processing and block processing performance on multi-producer EOSIO networks.”
Furthermore, the update is also released alongside the dedicated and integrated development environment that could speed up the entire developer onboarding. This is the second announcement that came from this company which could have a major influence on the EOS ecosystem.
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Block.One also proposed a major change to the entire resource allocation system of the network that could require the users to rent network resources instead of buying them.
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