It is no new news, that the rival blockchains, or to be more concrete, the teams that guide them, do not like each other. The community of Bitcoin mocks on Ethereum, while the community of EOS mocks on Tron, and so on, in a seemingly endless chain of barbs, enmity. Let’s find out more in the blockchain latest news today.
However, does the verbal hostility between the cryptocurrency communities turns sometimes in something more hostile and destructive? Probably, if the attacks of the past like Verge and IOTA were the work of rival developers, instead of random hackers. According to some critics within the cryptocurrency community, we can be witnesses, to bigger attacks between the rival communities in one way or another, in the near future. In an already hostile atmosphere, this is probably to make the affairs between cryptocurrencies even worse and can lead to threatening the future of some cryptos.
But developers related to rival blockchains are of the opinion that scenario like this is very unlikely. Yes, hackers who think they can profit from attacking a certain network could try to attack it, however, rivalry on itself has not incentivized enough developers to do the same. The first question, is, is there any evidence that one network has attacked another one or another way? In July of 2018, certain developers of Ethereum accused members of the EOS community of a Sybil attack, that in this case resulted in spam by airdrops of tokens that had no value to the Ethereum blockchain, which in consequence it inflated the price of the gas needed to process transactions.
It is obvious, that no one associated with EOS took the responsibility, but the fact that around $2 million were spent to send the worthless tokens is an indication that the one behind the attack had quite bigger finance than the common user. Evidence of other rival attacks is scarce, while there are numerous breaches of a multitude of networks that happen over the past months and years. As for the future, there are some people within the cryptocurrency sector, think that rival cryptos will attack each other’s chains with intensifying intensity, in the next years.
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