Craig Wright, the convicted Faketoshi, has been at it again. Now ‘proving’ that he truly is the creator of bitcoin, by publicizing a timestamped document, in which the origins of the Satoshi Nakamoto pseudonym are shown. Or just holding up an unclear printout with something written on it, on a Skype interview with a compassionate journalist. Instead of proving beyond any reasonable doubt that he is Satoshi by moving some of the coins that are owned by Satoshi as we are reading further in the bitcoin news now.
After complains from the journalist that he was supposedly being in drawn in the ongoing Kleiman court case, the interview begins with the question of how is Wright ding now. “Not too bad,” he answers, before calmly stating in:
“I’ve just been digging up old documents. Trying to figure out what the horrible, horrible start of bitcoin was.”
Easy, finely and certainly not deliberately. The signature of Craig Wright. He mentions the Scottish economist and father of modern economy Adam Smith, stating that he, Adam Smith, was happy because all of his unpublished writings were burnt after his passing, leaving only his published writings to be remembered by. At this part of the interview, Craig holds up a sheet of A4 paper with pride, that looks like it was worked up for this purpose a few times through a fax machine.
On the paper, it is shown an article on the JSTOR academic journal database, from Monumenta Nipponica, about a Japanese philosopher Tominaga Nakamoto. It is suggested by the timestamp on the paper that the article was accessed on 05.01.2008 at 11:17 am, half a year before the Bitcoin white paper was published.
The first note reads “Nakamoto is the Japanese Adam Smith,” which is by now suggesting the genuine nature of the document, surely it is genuine, Craig Wright non deliberately mentioned Adam Smith in the beginning of the interview signaling that he is an expert on the subject. Note two reads “Honest Ledger + Micro Cash”. But note three gives a hint to the first part of the famous pseudonym, reading “Satoshi is Intelligent History.” In the interview, Craig Wright goes deeply into the story of the Satoshi Nakamoto pseudonym:
“Satoshi, the actual meaning is “intelligent learning.” It’s about ancestors, smart and wise ancestors. You’ve got the concept of blocks and whatever goes before, instructs what comes out but that’ll all come out.”
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