FBI wants to put up warning signs on Bitcoin ATMs as a way of stopping the scammers from using them because they are already trying to take advantage of the growing number of machines in the US. In today’s cryptocurrency news, we are taking a closer look at their idea.
The US State of Ohio Scam Squad and the Federal Bureau of Investigation issued a public warning as scammers started to actively use BTC ATMs to defraud the people. Sheryl Harris, director of the Cuyahoga County Department of Consumer Affairs said:
“Now scammers are asking you to pay in Bitcoin.”
According to the report, scammers still rely on the tried methods like calls from someone’s relative that got in an accident and needs money with crypto allowing them to put a new spin on the old fraud. For example, Bitcoin ATMs allow customers to buy BTC with cash that already became widespread in the US. Thanks to this, many scammers are trying to convince people to withdraw funds from their bank and go to a BTC ATM and send a certain amount of coins via a QR code. Shaker Heights who was almost a victim said:
“I got a call that sounded exactly like my son. The shopkeeper comes up and says ‘can I help you?’ I said we have to send money to an attorney with this machine and he’s like you’re getting scammed.”
The scammer stayed on the phone the entire time and asked Heights to deposit $9000 via a BTC ATM. If the shopkeeper hadn’t stopped him, the money would be lost forever. FBI special agent Vicky Anderson noted:
“Unfortunately, once that money is gone, it’s almost impossible to get it back, so the best we can do is prevention and that’s why we’re trying to get the word out.”
In order to fight this problem, the FBI wants to put warnings on the Bitcoin ATM machines across the country that will motivate people to consider whether they are actually scammed or not, Harris added:
“The point of the signs is to just give people a chance to pause, like wait a minute. The government isn’t going to ask you for Bitcoin, they just won’t, the jail won’t ask you to pay in Bitcoin and your utility company doesn’t accept Bitcoin payments.”
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