Paypie is trading up by 3.2 percent against the US dollar in the 1-day period, ending on March 6th. During the past week, PayPie traded down by 19 percent against the dollar but it still reached a market cap of $3.27 million and $681 worth of the coin was traded on the exchanges in one day. One PayPie token can be bought for about $0.0396 or 0.00000434 BTC on major exchanges as we are reading now in the paypie news.
PayPie was traded initially in August 2017 and the total supply of the tokens is 165,000,000 with a circulating supply of 82,500,000 tokens. The official website of the coin is while the official Twitter account is @PayPiePlatform. PayPie is available to be purchased on major exchanges such as EtherDelta but it is usually not possible to purchase such alternative cryptocurrencies by using US dollars. The investors want to trade PayPay but they first have to buy Bitcoin or Ethereum using exchanges that accept US dollars such as Coinbase, Gemini or GDAX. Investors can then use their other coins such as ETH to purchase PayPie using the exchanges.
Some of the other altcoins despite Paypie, top traders are now in the coming altcoin news for noting that bullish price action can be still seen despite the intense selloff which brought Bitcoin back to $8,600 at one point. This selloff came as a result of the recent rejection at $10,000 for the dominant coin, with its slow grind lower in the time following the rejection reaching a boiling point yesterday after it broke through the strong support that had been established at $9,500.
Namecoin, on the other hand, can be used for a multitude of stuff. For example, it can be used to protect free speech rights online, making the entire web resistant to censorship. It can also be used to attach the identity of the choice of a person with identifying information such as GPG And OTR keys and email. It is also used to access websites by using the .bit top-level domain. NameCoin is basically a value pair registration and transfer system based on the Bitcoin technology. Namecoin will also be working on proposed ideas such as voting, bonds, stocks, shares, signatures, and proof of existence.
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