A Huobi Price calculator is a simple application that can be found on our DC Forecasts website which provides for easy conversion of currency values based on the real-life value of the asset. Our crypto converter can easily be found on the website and it will provide you with a fast and simple value conversion from one currency to another like dollars, euros, and British pounds.
The Huobi price calculator is of practical use for everyone that may be moved abroad and wants to purchase crypto and compare it to the local currency. Our crypto calculator is free and easily found on our website and all you have to do is just input the value desired and wait for a second to see the result. Moreover, our calculator helps traders determine the real value of a certain cryptocurrency in the preferred currency of choice and eventually determine the selling and the buying profit that you can make In real-time value. The calculator is useful for everyone from beginner traders to expert traders.
Huobi is a crypto exchange based out in Singapore that was launched in 2013 by former Oracle engineer Leion Li. Initially, it was based in China but then expanded to South Korea and Singapore as well as Japan when a trade ban was imposed in China in 2017. Huobi has more than 280 crypto markets with about $350 billion worth of crypto tokens traded every day making it the third-biggest exchange in the world. Huobi’s roadmap seems to be following the footsteps of the digital piracy that is getting as far away as possible from centralized servers and to reach decentralization as well.
Huobi aggressively tries to expand to the rest of the Southeast Asian markets as it also opened an office in Russia. The Group is trying to expand into Brazil and Vietnam as well.
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The company wants to secure the expansion projections and make some strong partnerships.
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It already has a great track record with investment companies and makes sure to secure the VC capital investments well which is why it partnered with SBI Group for the expansion to Japan. Huobi Group is also a partner of plenty of Chinese fintech companies that want to implement crypto and blockchain solutions as back in 2018 it acquired the blockchain-based electronic manufacturer Platronics Holding while trying to get listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
DC Forecasts is a leader in many crypto news categories, striving for the highest journalistic standards and abiding by a strict set of editorial policies. If you are interested to offer your expertise or contribute to our news website, feel free to contact us at [email protected]
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