Because of its advantages, Litecoin is able to generate a block in less than 3 minutes and make a faster transaction compared to Bitcoin. This is very important for the miners because they use hardware to mine on the Bitcoin network so it is very hard to switch to Litecoin. This is good because there won’t be large groups forming and mining Litecoin so it will be easier to keep Litecoin decentralized.
Last year, Litecoin proved itself to be a great currency even outperforming Bitcoin and Ethereum, but it is, however, very difficult to make any kinds of predictions because of the volatility on the market.
Many experts believe that the adoption rate of Litecoin will increase this year which will lead to a growth in price.
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Of course, we can never know how big of a jump that would be. The adoption rate should increase because Litecoin has a lot more coins in circulation so it is more affordable. Also, both the lightning network and SegWit are activated so Litecoin has a great chance of dealing with scalability problems.
However, price predictions are always difficult to make since the cryptocurrencies are always very volatile. People find it very useful that this coin has the ability of extremely fast transactions. That is one of the reasons why we could expect more people to start using it. On the other hand, as with many other coins, Litecoin is also connected with the usage of Bitcoin. When we see a higher adoption rate of Bitcoin we can also expect a higher adoption rate of LTC. This, of course, leads to price growth. Price is also expected to grow this year because there is an increase in the number of developers working on this cryptocurrency. Making precise predictions is impossible but we can, however, expect a bright future for this cryptocurrency.
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